In the first analysis we are using the multi-line linear regression model against the MechaCar data. We include all the numerical and continuous variables in the formula.
The Summary of the linear regression model indicates that the vehicle_length and ground_clearance have a significant impact on the mpg.
R-Squared value of 0.7032 shows that these variables have 70% likelihood that the future data points will fit into the linear model.
The p-value (2.277e-11) is extremely small indicating that even with a significance level of 0.0001 we can reject the null hypothesis.
The slope of the line is 6.24 for vehicle_length and 3.65 for the ground clearance
In this analysis we create summary statistics for the dataset Suspension_Coil.csv. This dataset shows the Pounds per square inch (PSI) for each vehicle and manufacturing lot. The design specifications dictate that the variance of the suspension coils must not exceed 100 PSI. As we see from the charts below lot3 does not meet this specification
As we see in the results, the p-value of 1 confirms the hypothesis one that there is no statistical difference between PSI across all manufacturing lots from the population mean of 1,500 pounds per square inch.
If we compare the PSI of each manufacturing lot against the mean of population we get the p-value of 1 that there is no statistical difference between the PSI of each manufacturing lot and the mean from population